"Get the presentation of marketing strategy done, give it a brief look, and fix any slight error. I don't want to give any reason to deny this collaboration."

"Sir, the Excel sheet is ready. We've put the things you suggested. Also, new updates have been added, and the PowerPoint presentation has been updated with new trends and tricks with an explained overview for a better understanding."

The building was a hive of frenzied activity. People were scurrying around in every direction, their arms filled to the brim with files and documents. The steady hum of voices filled the air, as employees chatted away on their phones or huddled around their computer screens. Today was a monumental day, as two powerful multinational companies were set to meet. The anticipation was palpable, as everyone hoped for a resounding success. The outcome of this meeting was set to shake the business industry to its core and leave the world speechless.

Two among others were checking a few files. "We'll have a meeting in a few minutes, don't we?" Chris spoke, reviewing the file in his hands before looking at the employee in front of him, "Has Miss Hwan arrived, Eun-jae?" She shook her head in denial before leaving a sigh. "C'mon! She never gets late," Chris added, putting the file on his table with a slight loud thud, "And when we have such an important meeting and this woman is late. Gosh!"

"Sir, the meeting is 1 hour late, let's hope by then she'll be there," Eun-jae spoke politely before picking up the files from the table and spoke, "I'll re-check them and you kindly, check upon rest of the works that are needed to be done. If sir didn't find things correctly arranged as per his instructions, he'll surely be angry and disappointed." Chris nodded at her comment before leaving for the other department.

"By the way," Eun-jae was about to go to her work when suddenly she observed Christ come back in the room, "Is Mr. Jeon here?" He asked for confirmation and also to get a rough idea about the time for the preparation. Eun-jae smiled and looked at her phone and then back at Chris, "As of now, I have no updates regarding it. Only Miss Hwan can give us the estimated time of his arrival."

"And she isn't here," he sighed and came closer to her before cupping her face and planting a soft kiss on her lips which she reciprocated with a flustered face, "You must not work much, my pretty wife," he whispered, pulling away from the kiss. His eyes witnessed her cheeks going crimson red as she looked down and smiled at his comment, "I don't want my little one in your womb to be stressed out."

"I'll leave after the meeting, honey. For now, I have to re-check all the files before the meeting starts. And we know how important this meeting is," She politely answered, which caused an unbelievable expression to come upon his face. "If Mr Jeon got to know that you're working while being 2 months pregnant, he'll surely give you an earful. You know how protective he is," Chris spoke while holding Eun-jae's shoulders and making her sit on her chair as he sat down on his knees.

"One of the best things about him. He makes sure that everyone is provided with a comfortable, protective and friendly environment; not only to ladies but male colleagues too. And I'm glad that he and Miss Hwan have taken this decision during the initial stages of this company. The way they both provide this company a firm yet delicate touch, is immensely appreciable," Chris chuckled at his wife's words and nodded, acknowledging the depth of those words.'

"Yn has surely provided him much support since the start though and that is why, no matter what, he didn't replace her with anyone no matter what. Plus, till now she hasn't given him any reason to do so," he spoke calmly, adding to Eun-jae's statement. She nodded and smiled,"I still recall how he always goes for talent rather than rich spoiled freshers unlike others."

"He always helped the ones in need. You see, he also invests in social activities like NGOs and others. And Yn suggests the best to him. I love how she always talks with others softly and knows when to be bold," Chris nodded and then stood up, "We both know this talk won't come to an end. There's a lot to talk about and that's really hard because the things they have done for their employees, and people, are almost uncountable."

He took the files from his wife's hands and smiled, "I'll get your work done, you rest."


"What are you trying to do, babydoll?" He raised his right eyebrow when he felt her fingers tracing his clothed chest, outlining his puffed abs and whole chest area. Her fingers roamed over his exposed neck, sensually, making sure that he felt the fire she was having in her veins. His lips parted a little, feeling her desire igniting the passion in his nerves.

The environment inside his Rolls Royce Boat Tail turned heavier with each second. Even the air conditioner in that vehicle failed to calm down the heat which was released through two bodies sitting together with something very unholy in their minds.

"Letting out the desire you want me to."


"C'mon Miss Hwan, pick up the phone," Dong-su spoke with desperation in his voice as he put his phone on the speaker and kept it on the table, while he took a seat on his chair. This was the third time that he was dialing her number to remind her about the meeting but it seemed that he surely had no luck in that because she didn't answer his phone again.

"The meeting is in less than an hour and she isn't even he--"

He was about to complete his sentence but suddenly he witnessed his colleague, Christina Scott coming towards him. "Well, Dong-su, I have good news. Eun-jae told me that the meeting is delayed to the next hour as the collaborators got into some urgent work. So, take rest for a while, buddy," she patted his shoulder with a smile.

Dong-su let out a deep sigh before nodding to her piece of information, "I guess so. It is relaxing to know this but I hope she will be available before Mr Jeon because Mr Jeon surely may come right before the meeting and have a brief look on our prepared stuff. And Miss Hwan owns the main and starting pieces for the meeting," as he ended expressing his thoughts, Christina passed him a small bottle of water, "You need to calm down, Dong-su. Things will go well. For now, let's grab some snacks with coffee?"

He exhaled a deep breath, nodding to her words, "I surely need it. Let's go."

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Pradeepti Ranjan

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