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The sun had set beyond the horizon as she finally stepped inside the opulent mansion. She had just finished a gruelling day at work, and her tired feet ached from the high heels she had been wearing all day. Her husband, who was also the co-CEO of their company, had not been able to make it to the office that day, leaving her with an immense amount of work. As the head of the branding and marketing department, she had to attend every meeting and take charge of the official files her husband had left undone due to an emergency. Despite the fatigue, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that she had accomplished everything that needed to be done.

"Honey, I'm home," she said cheerfully and entered the living hall. As she made her way through the dimly lit hallway, she couldn't help but notice something out of the ordinary. Her eyes fell upon the vivid red fluid that was splattered across the floor and couch, creating a terrifying scene that seemed to have painted every corner of the hall. The once beautiful decor was now in shambles, with broken vases, shattered lamps, and glass tables scattered around the floor. Witnessing this sight made her heart race with fear, and an unexpected wave of terror washed over her.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" Her panicked voice reverbed in the living hall but there was nothing in return. She immediately looked around, hoping to find any of his men or caretakers but the room was all empty and filled with silence. She walked and walked, still calling for her husband. Every nerve in her body tensed up due to stress. As she roamed her neck around, she didn't realize that something was ahead of her and she collided with it, causing her to fall down.

A loud scream emitted from her throat when she realized that she wasn't on the floor but on a dead body. The person's head was bleeding and blood was oozing out from the bullet shots on that person's chest. Her body trembled and she immediately stood up with stumbling movements. The crimson red blood prints were now on her white and beige official clothes, along with her palms.

She feared even more when she found another dead body nearby. Her body broke into goosebumps as her forehead was now dripping with a thick layer of sweat. Because that whole scene reminded her of her past incidents that she hated. But her heart stopped for a while when she noticed the clothes of the second dead body. They matched her husband's clothes and she lost her senses and ran towards that body.

"Jungkook!" She screamed in pain, falling down on her knees and holding the lifeless body which was blanketed with blood. The body had many deep wounds from knives, bullets and burns too. And most prominently, the man's face was wholly ruined to the extent that no one would recognize it. "N-no..No...no..." she kept mumbling, checking the body briefly to find any hints that would deny her assumptions but the body was so brutally burned especially the limbs that she found no such clue, causing her to conclude that the man brutally dead in front of her sight was none other than her husband.

"Please no...this cannot be you...you aren't dead," she mumbled in a painful tone, touching those wounds delicately, still trying to believe the conclusion her mind had given. This man wasn't her husband or was he? Except for his clothes, there was nothing she could find for a better hint. Her body shivered hysterically as her anxiety rushed into her veins at its peak. She could never imagine that the man who vowed to stay with her, live with her was dead now. And that pain hurt her emotions even more when she recalled the moment of today's morning.

She deeply regretted being even slightly upset with him. Looking back on the morning, she realized she had ignored his every effort to make her smile. One by one, the memories flooded her mind: his adorable pout, his endearing behavior, and his charming teasing. She couldn't help but recall the way he had brought her favourite chocolates and flowers, his sweet kisses on her cheeks, the way he held her close with slow kisses on her neck, and his tender loving words. She missed his presence terribly, the way he made her feel loved and cherished.

"Please Jungkook, come back. Please god! Please give me any hint, god, tell me...tell me that this dead body isn't his. Tell me that my husband is alive. Tell me that my love is alive! Please!"

"He cannot die. H-he i-is my life...the hope I need to live...the only motivation that keeps me going on...the only happiness I have...t-the pain I'd pray for...the only one I wish to live with...w-without him, I'm nothing," her words were broken by her breathless sobs as she squinted her eyes while crying harder. Her screams were the only voice in that whole mansion.

Her breaths shortened and she started leaving heavy pants. She hastily joined her trembling hands and held them tighter as they threatened to lose their grip as her anxiety reached its pinnacle, "God, I beg you. I'll do whatever you want me to. Put me through your worst and the most painful test, kill me...torture me brutally but please bring him back...please bring my love back...I-I'm his woman...his wife...his other half...but I don't see any future with his absence. Please bring him back to me...or just take me with him..."


"Sir, are you feeling well?" Drake asked worriedly, looking at his boss who was covered in several bandages. He was attacked suddenly in the mansion. And while defending himself, he suffered some deep injuries. Gladly, he, along with his men, overpowered the attackers and defeated them. In the whole process, unfortunately, many of his men died, and many of his enemy's men died, causing a whole damn mess inside the mansion.

"I'm alright. What's the update?" He asked, getting up from the bed while his gaze diverted to Drake. "We have captured and seized their main base but they escaped. Our men tried their best to follow them and catch them but it seems that they were late," he answered with a tense tone. Jungkook nodded and took the spare shirt that his men had brought for him. Drake went near him to help him with the shirt.

After wearing the shirt, he shook his head in a nod and then took his phone from Kendrick before asking again, "What about Yn? Where is she?" Drake nodded and gestured to the rest of his men to prepare to leave while he answered, "Her phone is now switched off." This statement caused Jungkook to frown, "Now? What does it mean?"

Drake took a deep breath and answered, "A while ago, I called her several times but she didn't answer. Later I found that her phone got switched off." Jungkook got alert as soon as he heard the last statement. He was fine with her unanswered calls because it was her habit to put her phone on silent during working hours so he knew that if she didn't answer calls, she'd contact back as soon as she got her leisure time.

He had known her for quite some time and he knew her well. She was meticulous about her phone and its performance. Her phone was never turned off, and she always made sure to monitor its activity. She would check her phone regularly to ensure that the battery life was always above 80%. Even if it turned off due to a dead battery, she would take the initiative to inform him via the office's landline. This is why today's situation was particularly worrying. He had not received any call from her, and his heart felt heavy with a different kind of fear. What could have happened to her? The anxiety was mounting, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible had happened. He immediately looked at Drake, "Track her pendant's location, immediately!"

Drake nodded and walked with him towards the black porsche.

While the car accelerated towards its destination, his mind kept focusing on her well-being only. "Sir, her latest and live location is mansion only," Drake informed, causing him to worry even more. He didn't say anything but Kendrick knew what to do. He accelerated the vehicle at its highest speed, ignoring every traffic rule just to reach the mansion. Meanwhile, Jungkook dialed every landline number, wishing she'd answer any of them but every unanswered call made his concern stronger.

"Sir, we have arriโ€”" before Kendrick could complete his sentence, Jungkook hastily exited the car and ran inside the mansion. The scene was nothing new as he had seen the same before leaving for the hospital. He was scared, praying that no enemy had come in his absence and attacked his wife. Yes, he knew that she had returned. Her car was parked outside. He roamed his gaze around, briefly scanning the surroundings to find any hints regarding her presence.

When he was about to call out for her, his whole attention shifted to some faint noises. Sobs. Someone else was there too. It was a feminine voice. And when he noticed it keenly, he impatiently followed the voice. The voice led him behind the couch where he found his wife weeping harder with her hands joined tightly and lips mumbling random words.

His heart ached at the sight and he immediately approached his wife, and held her hands, "Love, I'm here," he spoke softly yet loud enough for her to hear. He witnessed his wife's breaking breaths and her body's severe shivers. Her whole body was covered with a thick layer of sweat and her face and her neck were wet with her tears too. "Sweetheart, your man is alive," he spoke again, finally gaining her attention.

She opened her eyes and looked at the man in front of her with a blurred vision silently. He spoke again to assure her, "Your man is alive, honey. I am here, see," She opened her eyes and looked at the man in front of her with a blurred vision silently. He spoke again to assure her, "Your man is alive, honey. I am here, see," his hands were warm as he cupped her face, his thumbs stroking her delicate, wet cheeks. Her eyes were heavy with tears, and she blinked rapidly, trying to focus on the face of her husband in front of her. She recognized his touch and the sound of his voice, but her vision was blurred by the tears that streamed down her face.

He moved in slowly, his embrace enveloping her in a comforting warmth, and she felt safe in his arms. She could feel his heartbeat as he held her close, and the scent of his cologne filled her senses.

"I'm here, in front of you, for you, with you...

He whispered into her ear lovingly, caressing her head and back, squeezing her in his arms. It took her a while to hug him back and she broke down into his arms again. "J-jungkook..." she spoke with a broken voice, tightening her grip around his torso. He hissed inaudibly, feeling a painful sensation but in that moment, he didn't care about his wounds. All he cared about was her. His thoughts, and his emotions were clouded by her.

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Pradeepti Ranjan

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