
To avoid any confusion, please note that the data and names used in this story are entirely for the purpose of imagination and creativity. They have no connection whatsoever to any real-life events or people. Any similarities between the characters and events mentioned in this novel are purely coincidental. The story and characters in this book are entirely fictional, and other elements are entirely imaginary. I assure you that there is no intention to offend or harm anyone's sentiments or beliefs. I hope this clarification helps you enjoy the story without any concerns or reservations.

Also, this book contains mature scenes. Explicit language, sex scenes, blood, torture, and killing. If you're uncomfortable, make sure you don't read further or avoid scenes that mention any of the above. The reader is invited to immerse themselves in the world of this fictional story and enjoy the journey the author has created.

This work is solely written for entertainment purposes.

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Pradeepti Ranjan

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I would be very grateful if you guys choose to support me in this journey

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